Saturday, 11 June 2016

class 1 syllabus FA1

Syllabus for fa 1
Maths:(written) chapter 1 , pre-number concept: shapes, tall and  short,big and small,long  and short, more and less, in and out, far and near, fat and thin.(oral): counting 1-20, forward and backward counting.
English:( written) lesson 1: all about rani, alphabets Aa-Zz, missing letters, fill in the blanks.(oral): Recite a poem with actions. Narrating a story with moral.
Evs: ( written) lesson 1: About me, lesson 2: my body.(oral): speak few lines about yourself and about your family.

हिन्दीः लिखितः पाठ 2 3 वर्णमाला बिना मात्रा वाले शब्द चित्रो से मिलान वर्णो को जोड कर लिखो।सही व्यंजन भरो चित्रो के नाम लिखो स्वर भरो। (oral): वर्णमाला पढो और सुनाओ।

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